A Life Rearranged

A few months ago, Ken Dalrmple's life was changed and rearranged by Jesus.  A week or so after he shared with me that and I quote "I had to have Jesus" I shared with him about our call and vision to plant the Gospel in Connecticut.  The amount of encouragement and support that came from Ken propelled Lynn and I and drove us to even more prayer.  Within weeks Ken had came up with an idea to have a dinner at his house with the goal of helping us raise financial support for LifeSong Manchester. That dinner was this past Saturday night.

Its hard to explain what I witnessed Saturday night without coming to tears.  As Ken and a whole crew of volunteers served and fed a back yard full of people, the man was just gitty with the opportunity to serve and love on his guests.  When the meal started, Ken took a microphone and began to share the story of what brought him to the place in his life where he "had to have Jesus".  He shared the story that he was such a good man, that his opinion was that other people needed the church so that they could be as good as him, then God drew near to him in many ways, and the weight of his sin could be felt.  It was through hearing the gospel at church that brought him to the place where he "had to have Jesus"

When Christ becomes Lord of our lives, we can see more clear the plans that he has for us, and how he will use our lives for His glory.

Lynn and I are absolutely blown away how God has placed people in our lives over the past year and a half to be Go Givers, and send us North.  Family, LifeSongers, Planting the Gospel, and the multiple men and women that are on the ground in Connecticut, we say thank you, thank you, thank you!

We soon will be sharing more details about our timing for relocating to Manchester, the place where we will be missionaries where we live work and play.

Heading North
Pastor Tim