Empty Chairs Open Doors

Empty Chairs Open Doors
New England churches are over run with empty chairs and unfortunately their doors are closing. Why? As Vermont church planter stated in one of his blogs “conservative churches became more insular, opting to self-protect in their religious “bunkers” instead of engaging their communities in gospel mission”. I believe we see the beginnings of this activity in the South.

As God points Lynn and me to the precious of Hartford County CT, we can see a little more clearly the groups of people that LifeSong Manchester will seek to connect with:

Churched / Reached
This group of people is not our main focus, but we will seek to partner with as many like minded, missional churches as we can in Hartford County.

Churched / Unreached
This community of people is mostly Catholic or at least by association. For this person to connect with this new church is huge, because it would mean in many cases that the persons family would reject them and or a least their decision. The break away from tradition is a hurdle that many will face, but I believe that the Gospel will penetrate some in this category.

Un Churched / Reached
Because of the close proximity to a major hub like Hartford, many “out of towners” are in the county, and they are Christ followers that simply cannot find a body of believers that they can connect with and be discipled, even though when you Google Connecticut for churches, it is as “doted” as the South. LifeSong Manchester will be a place where these people can make connections and grow.

Un Churched / Un reached
This appears to be the largest population with the ages of 18 to 35 year olds. These people have their backs to the cross. They are not looking for God. They are looking for a purpose and fulfillment in life, and have not found it yet. This group is one that much of our prayers and efforts will be placed. We will seek to build relationships and do life with these people.

As my good friend Serge Chevalier said, “the harvest in Connecticut is wide open, and people are primed to hear and respond to the Gospel”.

We are asking God to use us for His glory, and share the good news of the King. There are empty chairs, but HE has opened doors. In the harvest, we will disciple those who will make disciples. My prayer is that when this new church is launched, that it will be pregnant with the next planting of the gospel in new England, because:

Matthew 9:37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;

Heading North
Pastor Tim