2012 Gallup Poll

Ed Stetzer latest blog has an update from Gallup in the topic of religion in America. Below is his article Gallup released new research yesterday on religiosity in America. Gallup's Religiosity Index is based on the importance of religion in the everyday lives of Americans and the data was taken from daily tracking polls throughout 2011.

The study notes:
Residents of Southern states are generally the most religious, underscoring the validity of the "Bible Belt" sobriquet often used to describe this region. Coupled with the Southern states in the
high-religiosity category is Utah, the majority of whose residents are Mormon -- the most religious group in America today.

On the other hand, residents of New England and a number of far Western states tend to be the least religious. These numbers should come as no surprise to us. There has been little regional change in religiosity throughout the past few decades. In our lifetime, the South has always been seen as the Bible Belt. New England and and the West have predominantly been less religious states.

While many may lament the irreligiosity of much of the nation, we should be encouraged about the work God is doing through the local church and denominations in states shown to be less religious. My denomination refers to many of these states as "frontier states" and has made a conscious effort to provide more resources and church planters in both the West and New England.

There are many stories like that of Jared Wilson, who migrated out of the Bible Belt to a less religious area for the sake of the gospel. Jared left his church in Nashville three years ago to pastor a small church in rural Vermont-- the least religious state in America. He'd be the first to admit the soil is hard in New England. But he'd also be the first to proclaim the power contained in the gospel plows even the hardest soil like a hot knife through butter.

Yes the stats are alarming-- and they should be. But know that there are faithful men and women of God proclaiming the gospel to a dying world in these areas. And they would covet your prayers-- and your help. by Ed Stetzer
Heading North
Pastor Tim

New England Spring

New England Spring
It’s always exciting when spring starts to show its face. I feel the excitement as it means that Easter is coming and what a wonderful time of bringing worship to the one true King.

On April 1st LifeSong Church will begin a week of Love Invades, where many LifeSongers will take the week off from work to Love on the community of Lyman, through food distribution, free oil changes, free haircuts, and backyard bible clubs throughout the community. During this week there will also be a LifeSong team in Jacmel Haiti serving the community there.

Tim and Lynn Love Invades week
Lynn and I will be traveling to Manchester Connecticut from April 6th through the 11th. The main focus of this trip is prayer. We will be prayer walking the city of Manchester and some of the surrounding towns. There will also be a time that we get to visit with friends and pastors that have planted the gospel in Connecticut. Since we are moving closer to begin our lives in New England, we want to use this time to bring Glory to God as we worship Him this Easter in Connecticut.

Tim and Lynn Planting Update
Many of you are praying for us and we can see the results of being lifted up. Many of you have supported this call on our lives financially, and I want to say Thank You! for the support and prayers. The dollars that God has blessed you with; that you are now being investing in the Kingdom is awesome. We still have a ways to go, to get to the needed monthly support and we are trusting God to continue to supply for the need. Thank You Go Givers!!!!!

We are now moved into Matthew and Brittany’s house (son and daughter in-love), and will be there for the next few months. Lynn will undergo knee replacement surgery in April then will have a few months of rehab. During this time I will complete my work with Planting the Gospel church planting school, and interview for jobs in Connecticut.

My prayer for all of you this week:
Find your JOY in the Cross!

Heading North
Pastor Tim

Inside Out

After spending some time in the Gospels, I have been impacted by some WOW moments of Christ. One in particular is in Matthew 17:1-8 the Transfiguration, when Jesus
allowed Peter, James and John to see his glory. These dudes were blown away by Gods power and greatness.
Moses and Elijah had also appeared to them in this event. When I think about this, Moses and Elijah had other encounters of God, and they “Glowed” as well. Moses on Mt Sinai and Elijah at Mt Horeb. Theirs came from being exposed to Gods glory and it had an visible outward effect.
But then Jesus takes these 3 disciples to Mt Tabor and his glory and power was shown from within, because his is the Son of God. Man…. what power is that? That blows me away!!
So here are some thoughts:

1. I want permanent change in my life, which can only be performed by God, not by me living a “good” life. Permanent meaning you can’t go back to where you have came, because the old cocoon is gone, what used to be a caterpillar is now something beautiful that God created.

2. I want to be blown away every morning, everyday.

3. In the same verses, God says “This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased, listen to him.” The Gospel of Jesus is worth our attention.

4. You can’t camp on the Mountain top. After the 3 boys had this encounter with the King, God used them in mighty ways to spread the Gospel of Jesus.
When you have exposed your heart to Jesus, God can rearrange your furniture, and being obedient means to trust Him, and what He is doing by using you for the kingdom, not trusting what you can do for the kingdom. I want to be immersed in his presence because the Gospel is everything!
Do you find yourself asking over and over, “God what is your will in my life?” Maybe you are standing in the middle of it, and it’s just simply time to make a decision. The closer you are to
the gospel, the better decisions you make…I stole that one from a NY pastor :)
To be in awe of Gods glory changes you inside out. I love the last part of JD Greear’s gospel prayer:

“As I pray I will remember your compassion by the cross and measure your power by the resurrection”

Heading North
Pastor Tim

Empty Chairs Open Doors

Empty Chairs Open Doors
New England churches are over run with empty chairs and unfortunately their doors are closing. Why? As Vermont church planter stated in one of his blogs “conservative churches became more insular, opting to self-protect in their religious “bunkers” instead of engaging their communities in gospel mission”. I believe we see the beginnings of this activity in the South.

As God points Lynn and me to the precious of Hartford County CT, we can see a little more clearly the groups of people that LifeSong Manchester will seek to connect with:

Churched / Reached
This group of people is not our main focus, but we will seek to partner with as many like minded, missional churches as we can in Hartford County.

Churched / Unreached
This community of people is mostly Catholic or at least by association. For this person to connect with this new church is huge, because it would mean in many cases that the persons family would reject them and or a least their decision. The break away from tradition is a hurdle that many will face, but I believe that the Gospel will penetrate some in this category.

Un Churched / Reached
Because of the close proximity to a major hub like Hartford, many “out of towners” are in the county, and they are Christ followers that simply cannot find a body of believers that they can connect with and be discipled, even though when you Google Connecticut for churches, it is as “doted” as the South. LifeSong Manchester will be a place where these people can make connections and grow.

Un Churched / Un reached
This appears to be the largest population with the ages of 18 to 35 year olds. These people have their backs to the cross. They are not looking for God. They are looking for a purpose and fulfillment in life, and have not found it yet. This group is one that much of our prayers and efforts will be placed. We will seek to build relationships and do life with these people.

As my good friend Serge Chevalier said, “the harvest in Connecticut is wide open, and people are primed to hear and respond to the Gospel”.

We are asking God to use us for His glory, and share the good news of the King. There are empty chairs, but HE has opened doors. In the harvest, we will disciple those who will make disciples. My prayer is that when this new church is launched, that it will be pregnant with the next planting of the gospel in new England, because:

Matthew 9:37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;

Heading North
Pastor Tim

Planting The Gospel

This past week, we had an opportunity to attend Velocity Church Planting conference at Mt Lake church in Cumming Ga. Lynn and I enjoy so much being in those environments because it challenges us as well as growing our hearts together toward the call in our lives to plant the gospel in Manchester Connecticut.
This morning as I skim through my notes from the week, I would like to share some snip-its:

On Planting the Gospel:

I am not alone (Exodus 33:12-14). He goes with you and ahead of you.
Gods pace is not my pace. Waiting is a faith issue.
If I do not finish with my family, I do not finish well.
Am I content with Jesus only? Because Jesus is enough I am fully in Christ,
I am secure in Christ.
Jesus + Anything = Emptiness.
When Jesus said “it is finished” Satan lost his power… we need not to forget that.
You can’t lead until you bleed. Follow Jesus so close that you will be associated with Him.
Love God more than you Love the vision.

On Marriage:

Pray in the house, pray together, and pray for each other.
Dream BIG dreams for your marriage.
Believing the best about your spouse creates trust, not distrust.
Absence of conflict is not the same as intimacy, but no level 10 responses to level 2 issues.
Carry each other’s Armor.
Leading from insecurity will cost you more than you think (Hebrews 14:14-15).

Tim and Lynn Update:

Our house has sold and we will be moved out by April 15th. God continues to us this time for us to
connect with others that have a heart to plant the gospel in New England. Our prayer is that future employment would land us in Manchester CT by the summer.
In the mean time we are meeting with many people and sharing the vision that God has birthed in our hearts. We are so blessed that so many of you are praying for us, encouraging us and sending us. Lynn and I can’t thank you enough for your love and support!

Heading North
Pastor Tim