Planting The Gospel

This past week, we had an opportunity to attend Velocity Church Planting conference at Mt Lake church in Cumming Ga. Lynn and I enjoy so much being in those environments because it challenges us as well as growing our hearts together toward the call in our lives to plant the gospel in Manchester Connecticut.
This morning as I skim through my notes from the week, I would like to share some snip-its:

On Planting the Gospel:

I am not alone (Exodus 33:12-14). He goes with you and ahead of you.
Gods pace is not my pace. Waiting is a faith issue.
If I do not finish with my family, I do not finish well.
Am I content with Jesus only? Because Jesus is enough I am fully in Christ,
I am secure in Christ.
Jesus + Anything = Emptiness.
When Jesus said “it is finished” Satan lost his power… we need not to forget that.
You can’t lead until you bleed. Follow Jesus so close that you will be associated with Him.
Love God more than you Love the vision.

On Marriage:

Pray in the house, pray together, and pray for each other.
Dream BIG dreams for your marriage.
Believing the best about your spouse creates trust, not distrust.
Absence of conflict is not the same as intimacy, but no level 10 responses to level 2 issues.
Carry each other’s Armor.
Leading from insecurity will cost you more than you think (Hebrews 14:14-15).

Tim and Lynn Update:

Our house has sold and we will be moved out by April 15th. God continues to us this time for us to
connect with others that have a heart to plant the gospel in New England. Our prayer is that future employment would land us in Manchester CT by the summer.
In the mean time we are meeting with many people and sharing the vision that God has birthed in our hearts. We are so blessed that so many of you are praying for us, encouraging us and sending us. Lynn and I can’t thank you enough for your love and support!

Heading North
Pastor Tim