Got Milk?

Have you ever seen a new born baby with a knife and fork, ready to tear into a medium well New York strip? Hope not. What about someone that has had major surgery and the day after is eating Chili Cheese a Plenty from the Beacon? That could land them right back in the hospital.

1 Peter 2:2 says:
2.Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.

At LifeSong, we want to give you an opportunity to Grow and enjoy some Spiritual Milk.
On March 30th Sunday night we will be starting our 2nd Starting Point Class.
What is “The Starting Point”?
If you have recently started a relationship with God, or you are reconnecting with God after being away for a while, this would be a great bible study group to be in. It is a bible study that focuses on the foundations of being a Christ follower.

Where and when, does the Starting Point group meet? It is a 6 week small group study that takes place at LifeSong church on Sunday nights.

Who Leads Starting Point?
The study is being facilitated by Gavin & Patty Huckabee. The Huckabees are passionate about people and serving our Lord and Savoir.

The next “Starting Point” is scheduled for March 30th. Contact me if you are interested in taking part of this Growth opportunity.

Gather, Grow, & Go
Pastor Tim

What is the Roll of a Pastor?

Pictured to the right is C.S. Lewis, one of the greatest pastors of all time in my opinion.
After reading an article by Bill Easum (a ministry consultant) concerning Pastoral rolls, I felt lead to share some thoughts with you.

If you had to list only one responsibility of a pastor, what would it be?
By the way there is only one biblical answer.

You might say that it depends on his spiritual gift. To this I say, that this one responsibility doesn’t depend on a gift, but it should be on each pastor’s list.
You might say “shepherd the flock” or “it depends on the size of the church” or “making hospital visits (see Acts 6)”. Despite what people think or may have been told or taught their whole life that would be a big NO.

The ONLY biblical response is to ensure that the congregation is equipped to do ministry. Let’s look at God’s word together:

Ephesians 4:11-12
11. And He gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers,
12. for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of (the body of Christ;

So the short answer is, a Pastor’s roll is not to care for the people, but to grow them into mature Christians, and that happens when people are serving one another rather than being taught a course at the church.

Shepherds in Christ’s day didn’t care for their flocks. Instead they made sure that the sheep were in pastures where they could graze, so that they’d mature, grow and reproduce. The goal of the shepherd was ultimately reproduction.

Does this mean that Pastors shouldn’t care about their congregations? Of course not! It’s because the pastor does care for the congregation that he focuses on equipping them to be missionaries where the live work and play.
The more ministry that a pastor does for the congregation, the weaker the congregation becomes. As one of the Pastors of LifeSong I desire spiritual growth that pleases God, and at the end of the day, the LifeSong Pastors will be focused on equipping those to have an impact on the community in which we live.

Thank you LifeSong for your love of Christ and community.

Gather, Grow, and Go
Pastor Tim