Inside Out

After spending some time in the Gospels, I have been impacted by some WOW moments of Christ. One in particular is in Matthew 17:1-8 the Transfiguration, when Jesus
allowed Peter, James and John to see his glory. These dudes were blown away by Gods power and greatness.
Moses and Elijah had also appeared to them in this event. When I think about this, Moses and Elijah had other encounters of God, and they “Glowed” as well. Moses on Mt Sinai and Elijah at Mt Horeb. Theirs came from being exposed to Gods glory and it had an visible outward effect.
But then Jesus takes these 3 disciples to Mt Tabor and his glory and power was shown from within, because his is the Son of God. Man…. what power is that? That blows me away!!
So here are some thoughts:

1. I want permanent change in my life, which can only be performed by God, not by me living a “good” life. Permanent meaning you can’t go back to where you have came, because the old cocoon is gone, what used to be a caterpillar is now something beautiful that God created.

2. I want to be blown away every morning, everyday.

3. In the same verses, God says “This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased, listen to him.” The Gospel of Jesus is worth our attention.

4. You can’t camp on the Mountain top. After the 3 boys had this encounter with the King, God used them in mighty ways to spread the Gospel of Jesus.
When you have exposed your heart to Jesus, God can rearrange your furniture, and being obedient means to trust Him, and what He is doing by using you for the kingdom, not trusting what you can do for the kingdom. I want to be immersed in his presence because the Gospel is everything!
Do you find yourself asking over and over, “God what is your will in my life?” Maybe you are standing in the middle of it, and it’s just simply time to make a decision. The closer you are to
the gospel, the better decisions you make…I stole that one from a NY pastor :)
To be in awe of Gods glory changes you inside out. I love the last part of JD Greear’s gospel prayer:

“As I pray I will remember your compassion by the cross and measure your power by the resurrection”

Heading North
Pastor Tim