Its Time

This is a post that I have been looking forward to share, but at the same time my heart swells with the future separation that we are about to experience.  Its weird because I am in so much peace as I share..... ITs Time.

Last week we traveled to Connecticut to put a deposit on an apartment that is located on main street Manchester.  A day before the trip, Lynn was in a serious car accident, but came out with a good knot on her head, but Limley (my new name for our 2005 Subaru) didn't do so well.  He will be in rehab for about 3 weeks.  

Through all that could have happened and that did happen, I saw God at work, and my only thought was and is... God you have called us, and you have us.  We are under Gods watch and care.

So many of you are holding us up in prayer, and we are being impacted by your support and encouragement.  We are consumed with Gods grace and love.  Our pray has been "Jesus, put us wherever we can make your name great.  Put us in a place where we can love on people that are far from you, and point them to the CROSS.  Our prayers are being answered!

Our last Sunday at LifeSong Church Lyman will be June 24th.  If you are in town, we would love for you to come see us!  We will be moving to Manchester in the first 2 weeks of July.  

Matthew 13:44
The Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and cover up.  Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

Heading North!
Pastor Tim