Church Planting

God has called Lynn and I to plant a new church in the greater Hartford CT area. This church would be a place where people would hear the Gospel on Sunday and see the Gospel through the week in the new disciples of this church. This has to be a church that touches the community and accepts people where they are at, while allowing the truth of God’s word to change their lives. This also is to be a church that God would use to plant more New England churches. Our Prayer is to be in CT by the first quarter of 2012. This website will be used to keep all our friends and family, up todate with what is happening with this call.

My calling primarily “came to me” in the following way:
It was a process that began in the summer of 2009 when I took my family on vacation to New England. While on the street in Portland Maine, it stuck us of the lost condition of the precious. I began to cry. So my call came as a burden that would not leave me alone no matter how much I tried to get it behind me.

My heart was broken because as I learned, people don’t know Christ because there is no one there to tell them about His Grace and Forgiveness. Less than 2% of the population of New England is Christian.


When we returned home, God placed it in my heart to specifically disciple 6 men, to stretch them and grow them, with the purpose of praying for New England , equip them to share the Gospel and to bring them to New England for a week in the summer of 2010 to be used by God.

We spent 6 months praying for New England. God used these men to touch the Precious of Norwich CT, partnering with Shaun Pillay of Cornerstone Church. At least 6 salvations and help the Cornerstone team with discipleship training.

I was hoping that this burden would now be “satisfied” once I got back to S.C. It didn’t. I was going to bed and waking up planting a church in New England. I short, I was still crying and the burden was now a forest fire. A burden without a vision does not constitute Call. I have a vision for reaching the precious of New England.