What are Spiritual Gifts?

A spiritual gift is an expression of the Holy Spirit in the life of believers which empowers them to
serve the body of Christ, the church.

Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, 28-30; Ephesians 4:11; and 1 Peter 4:9-11 contain representative lists of gifts and roles God has given to the church. A definition of these gifts follows.

· Leadership—Leadership aids the body by leading and directing members to accomplish the
goals and purposes of the church. Leadership motivates people to work together in unity
toward common goals (Rom. 12:8).

· Administration—Persons with the gift of administration lead the body by steering others to
remain on task. Administration enables the body to organize according to God-given purposes
and long-term goals (1 Cor. 12:28).

· Teaching—Teaching is instructing members in the truths and doctrines of God’s Word for the
purposes of building up, unifying, and maturing the body (1 Cor. 12:28; Rom. 12:7; Eph. 4:11).

· Knowledge—The gift of knowledge manifests itself in teaching and training in discipleship. It is he God-given ability to learn, know, and explain the precious truths of God’s Word. A word of
knowledge is a Spirit-revealed truth (1 Cor. 12:28).

· Wisdom—Wisdom is the gift that discerns the work of the Holy Spirit in the body and applies
His teachings and actions to the needs of the body (1 Cor. 12:28).

· Prophecy—The gift of prophecy is proclaiming the Word of God boldly. This builds up the
body and leads to conviction of sin. Prophecy manifests itself in preaching and teaching (1
Cor. 12:10; Rom. 12:6).

· Discernment—Discernment aids the body by recognizing the true intentions of those within or related to the body. Discernment tests the message and actions of others for the protection
and well-being of the body (1 Cor. 12:10).

· Exhortation—Possessors of this gift encourage members to be involved in and enthusiastic
about the work of the Lord. Members with this gift are good counselors and motivate others to
service. Exhortation exhibits itself in preaching, teaching, and ministry (Rom. 12:8).

· Shepherding—The gift of shepherding is manifested in persons who look out for the spiritual
welfare of others. Although pastors, like shepherds, do care for members of the church, this
gift is not limited to a pastor or staff member (Eph. 4:11).

· Faith—Faith trusts God to work beyond the human capabilities of the people. Believers with
this gift encourage others to trust in God in the face of apparently insurmountable odds (1 Cor.

· Evangelism—God gifts his church with evangelists to lead others to Christ effectively and
enthusiastically. This gift builds up the body by adding new members to its fellowship (Eph.

· Apostleship—The church sends apostles from the body to plant churches or be missionaries.
Apostles motivate the body to look beyond its walls in order to carry out the Great Commission
(1 Cor. 12:28; Eph. 4:11).

· Service/Helps—Those with the gift of service/helps recognize practical needs in the body and joyfully give assistance to meeting those needs. Christians with this gift do not mind working
behind the scenes (1 Cor. 12:28; Rom. 12:7).

· Mercy—Cheerful acts of compassion characterize those with the gift of mercy. Persons with
this gift aid the body by empathizing with hurting members. They keep the body healthy and
unified by keeping others aware of the needs within the church (Rom. 12:8).

· Giving—Members with the gift of giving give freely and joyfully to the work and mission of the
body. Cheerfulness and liberality are characteristics of individuals with this gift (Rom. 12:8).

· Hospitality—Those with this gift have the ability to make visitors, guests, and strangers feel at ease. They often use their home to entertain guests. Persons with this gift integrate new
members into the body (1 Pet. 4:9).

God has gifted you with an expression of His Holy Spirit to support His vision and mission of the church. It is a worldwide vision to reach all people with the gospel of Christ. As a servant leader, God desires that you know how He has gifted you. This will lead you to where He would have you serve as part of His vision and mission for the church.

If you would like to complete a Spiritual Gift inventory, which is a questionnaire that will help you discover you Spiritual Gift, contact your LifeGroup Leader, or come by my office at church and I can get a copy for you.

Gather, Grow, & Go
Pastor Tim


As we approach our 2nd week of the Purple Book, I am moved in my Spirit by two loud truths from God’s word.

God wants us to have a transforming influence on the world around us – not the other way around. (Matthew 5:13-16)

(from page 27) – The quality of our relationships with other believers is a crucial testimony to an unbelieving world. We should be able to forgive not just our friends, but even our enemies. We Must Realize That We Are In A Spiritual Battle, and we must be trained and determined not to allow bitterness and unforgiveness to push us into darkness. (Philippians 2:3-4)

Is there a person or persons on your list of people that you need to forgive or to ask forgiveness from? Don’t let next Sunday come and go before you give the very thing that Christ gave you.

Marriage Conference:
There is a sign up sheet as well as a brochure, at the entrance of the sanctuary for the February 20th & 21st Marriage Conference. Cost is $25 per couple. Sign up OR email Jane Blackwell Jane@lifesongchurchonline.com

Gather, Grow, & Go
Pastor Tim

Far from God

This past week as reading and making more notes on the first chapter of the Purple Book, I couldn’t help but to reflect on times in my life when I felt most far from God. Kind of “marking the trail” (Jeremiah 3:21). There have been times when I was way more excited to meet my Bacon & Eggs in the morning, than talking to the God of Peace, the maker of the Universe.

My far from God times in my life seem to have some common elements.
I Loved me more than God.
I Loved me more than my neighbor.
I was more concerned what others thought of me than God.

This past week has been full of potential “Far from God” moments.
1). I nearly ran the BMW paint shop out of Pearl Silver paint,
2). There is some animal (That God created) that is restacking the selves in our basement in the middle of the night, which was causing me to focus on “where is a good nuke when you need one”, and that was killing my early morning time with God.
3). Lynn had an allergic reaction to medicine which brought an ambulance visit to Ridge Road.
4). A conversation that I had with someone, comes back to me with false info of “he said she said”. I always wonder why my phone seems to be silent during those types of gossip… oh yeh, we live in “this present darkness” Ephesians 6

In all of these moments I was able to see God, and to be honest when I look at the past trails that I have been on, I couldn’t see Him because of the distance I had put between me and God.

The rich still got to purchase their Pearl Silver Beamer, the animal found a new residence and I didn’t have to buy a Nuke, Lynn is healed, and I have had multiple God conversations of encouragement with the Lost & Hurting, and have received phone calls of encouragement out of the blue.

I want to encourage you to DO Luke 10:27 and draw close to God. I was inspired by a close friend to read Romans 12 every week in 2009. A new Trail and a new Marker

I desire the prayers of my LifeSong family that I would honor Him with my life.

Gather, Grow, and Go
Pastor Tim

Get Stretched - Do Purple

Do you have questions about bible study? How to do it? Do you struggle moving around in God’s word? Great news for those of you that are in one of our LifeGroups. This week you will embark on a tremendous opportunity.

The Purple Book.

This is a “Blank” book that you will write. The whole book is “fill in the blank”. You will review it weekly in your LifeGroups. After 12 weeks, you would have written the book, which then will serve as a reference book for your Spiritual Library. What’s in the Purple Book? 12 chapters of the basics of Christianity, and it will transform and grow your bible study. Trust me on this one, you will gain confidence, and remove any fear about using and soaking up God’s word.

It will cost you in time about 15 to 20 minutes a day Monday through Friday. So turn off the TiVos & DVRs and “put a stake in the ground” for bible study.

Keep you Purple Book with your Bible everywhere you go. You never know when God will provide you with some unexpected time to do the Book.

If possible we are asking that you give $5 for your book, but regardless if you have the $ or not, do the Purple!

Gather, Grow, & Go
Pastor Tim