One Year Later

One Year Later

Its hard to believe that one year ago this month a merge between to different congregations happened. Much fear was expressed as to what LifeSong Lyman would look like when it was all done. Of the new changes that were experienced was the idea of LifeGroups. I have to admit, some fear entered into my heart because I just wasn’t sure that I could communicate clearly, what I knew as to what God was doing in my heart in terms of growing relationships and learning God’s word, verses something that we all have been use to… Sunday School.

In October of 2007 we began training LifeGroup leaders in our home. During those amazing 6 weeks, God conquered our fears as we trained, practiced, and prayed. January 2008 God started 5 LifeGroups. Today God has to be given the Glory and Praise, because of His guidance, LifeGroups have grown from 5 groups in January to 12 in October 2008. I expect to see even more in 2009.

It has been difficult thing for me personally, to move people out of their current group in order to start new groups, but with the explosive growth that we are experiencing at LifeSong, it is simply necessary. I am beginning the process for the next Host (leader) training as we continue to move forward. More Hosts and Host Homes are needed.

Please know my heart; my passion is not to simply multiply groups, but help create an environment where three relationships can thrive. The 3 relationships that I speak of, is with God, Christ followers, and the ones that don’t have a relationship with God yet. In order for Iron to Sharpen Iron, there has to be more than just a few rubbings. Personal & Spiritual growth will take place in LifeGroups the longer the group stays active. Current groups will end at the end of the school year.

Thank you LifeSong family for your Love, Support, and Prayers. I am truly blessed to be with you!
Pastor Tim

We have room for you if are not currently in a LifeGroup. See List

Who - Where - Day
Matthew Christopher - LifeSong Church (SINGLES) - Sunday night

Troy & Brandi Cole - Reidville - Sunday night

Jon & Kim Adam Adam - Duncan - Wednesday night

Brian Christopher - Lyman/Inman - Wednesday night