Answering the Call

From Jason and Chrissy Edwards:
God does not always send you a flashing neon sign, so when you hear God speak, it is sometimes difficult to determine if that voice is your own or if it is from Him! I arrived home from a mission trip over the summer and God placed a burden in my heart to witness to the people of Connecticut. It was after many months of prayer and asking God to give me confirmation through my wife that He did finally answer, and we have decided to leave South Carolina and move to Putnam, Connecticut to assist in the planting of a much needed church. We want to take the vision and heartbeat of Lifesong Lyman to New England and help others understand that Jesus is well within reach. We have a desire to show others that he loves them more than anything, and that we need him more than ever! We are thankful to be used to do God's work, God's way and are experiencing a freedom that can only come from being obedient to Him. We love you and Lynn and can't wait to serve with you both!

Your brother and sister in Christ,

The Edwards'