
As we approach our 2nd week of the Purple Book, I am moved in my Spirit by two loud truths from God’s word.

God wants us to have a transforming influence on the world around us – not the other way around. (Matthew 5:13-16)

(from page 27) – The quality of our relationships with other believers is a crucial testimony to an unbelieving world. We should be able to forgive not just our friends, but even our enemies. We Must Realize That We Are In A Spiritual Battle, and we must be trained and determined not to allow bitterness and unforgiveness to push us into darkness. (Philippians 2:3-4)

Is there a person or persons on your list of people that you need to forgive or to ask forgiveness from? Don’t let next Sunday come and go before you give the very thing that Christ gave you.

Marriage Conference:
There is a sign up sheet as well as a brochure, at the entrance of the sanctuary for the February 20th & 21st Marriage Conference. Cost is $25 per couple. Sign up OR email Jane Blackwell

Gather, Grow, & Go
Pastor Tim