Get Stretched - Do Purple

Do you have questions about bible study? How to do it? Do you struggle moving around in God’s word? Great news for those of you that are in one of our LifeGroups. This week you will embark on a tremendous opportunity.

The Purple Book.

This is a “Blank” book that you will write. The whole book is “fill in the blank”. You will review it weekly in your LifeGroups. After 12 weeks, you would have written the book, which then will serve as a reference book for your Spiritual Library. What’s in the Purple Book? 12 chapters of the basics of Christianity, and it will transform and grow your bible study. Trust me on this one, you will gain confidence, and remove any fear about using and soaking up God’s word.

It will cost you in time about 15 to 20 minutes a day Monday through Friday. So turn off the TiVos & DVRs and “put a stake in the ground” for bible study.

Keep you Purple Book with your Bible everywhere you go. You never know when God will provide you with some unexpected time to do the Book.

If possible we are asking that you give $5 for your book, but regardless if you have the $ or not, do the Purple!

Gather, Grow, & Go
Pastor Tim